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Thursday, June 17, 2004

New tasty teas?

When I first heard of a new range of teas by Lipton (, I was the tiniest bit skeptical ( New flavours such as Cookies and Cream, Chocolate Orange and Honeycomb, seemed unlikely to combine comfortably with the refreshing taste of black tea.
Nevertheless, in the interests of having something to complain about, I bought a box of Cookies and Cream teabags on my last trip to Coles and hurried home to put the kettle on. In fancy squiggly letters on the side of the box were the words "Add milk for a latte experience"*. This I did and then settled down to sample my beveragal experiment. I was instantly converted, my skepticism falling away like a novelty chair. I cannot begin to describe to you how a hot cup of tea can taste like a plate of Assorted Creams, but Gad, my taste buds were certainly doing a double take that day. I'm jiggling my way through the rest of the packet so I can go and buy another flavour...

If you are a representative of the very fine Lipton Tea Company, congratulations on a winning success, here are some suggestions for other flavours that might prove popular: Dr Pepper Tea, Lamb Kebab, Cappuccino Tea, Bacon and Eggs, Cough Medicine Tea.

Thanks for reading, now go quickly to your nearest tea vendor (don't stop to pedantically look for split infinitives) and buy some of these little liquid beauties.

Now all I need are some Tea flavoured bikkies and a Good-Book flavoured bun and I'm set for my evenings.

Happy Dunkin'


* For a real latte experience, recommends actual Latte, available from any quality cafe.


At 2:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tom and lads at SGR,
Your ramblings are delightful, I wish I could read them all day, but unfortunatly I sleep during the day. I laughed so hard my mother called the police.
I love you,

Little Timmy.

At 4:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

B-E-A-utiful! hilarious mr anlezark! i'm laughing so much my sides r splittin...keep up da good work!

At 4:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I laughed, I cried Ihad a nice day but be sure to visit
from some cool person

At 5:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Aunty,
My little boy is 22. He has left home, but I think he finds it very hard to really leave his mum! It seems he cannot bring himself to change his mailing address. Although this is rather sweet it is becoming a real problem with our former landlord, as we have moved as well. How can I sensitively let him know that just because you have a new address, it doesn't mean you are not still mummy's dear little boy?
Doting mum, Strathfield


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